Interview : “We Have Over 40 Specialties In The Second Cycle”

Ajah Peter Tamasang, Inspector Coordinator General, Industrial Education, Ministry of Seconhdary Education.


Which are the specialties offered by industrial technical education?
In technical and vocational education, we have the following two cases. In the English Sub-system, we have specialties leading to the Advanced Technical Certificate (ATC). Holders of these certificate can choose embracing professional life or pursuing studies in the university depending on their performance or aspirations. In the French Sub-system, the training courses can lead to two different certificates: the “Brevet de Technicien”, which is more professional and the “Baccalaureate” considered to be more technological. Notwithstanding, holders of both certificates can either embrace professional life or pursue their studies in the university. There are some series and specialties like electrical power system, manufacturing mechanics, civil engineering (building construction, public works, architectural draftsmanship), heating-ventilation and air-conditioning, chemical engineering/mining and petroleum, clothing industry, plumbing and hydraulic installation system, boilermaking – industrial piping. Summarily, we have over 40 specialties in the second cycle and 27 in the first cycle.

What is the evaluation content that features in the professional practical tests for Baccalaureate candidates?
The practicals are based on a model taken from professional realities of the fields of study. For example, candidates of Electrical Power Systems can be asked to design and realize electrical industrial installations. Similarly, a candidate of building construction can be asked to realize the formwork of a column etc. Generally, the candidates are given the necessary materials, cutting list, tools and appropriate equipment.

During this stage, what is generally expected from the candidate?
The candidates are expected to realize the work in such a way that it reflects the model or practical piece. By so doing, the candidate shows...



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