Seasonal Crops : Douala Thrives In Maize

The nutritious grain makes waves on the streets of the economic capital.


The city of Douala is now thriving in maize as the grain is in season. The Littoral region is known for its maize cultivation and many city dwellers are making good use of it. In addition, maize traders are doing a brisk business as demand is also high. Maize can be roasted, boiled and eaten, used to make "koki corn", used to make corn chaff, sanga, turned into pap, dried to make corn fufu and much more.
Roasted maize stalls could be seen on almost every street corner, and boiled maize vendors could be found almost everywhere, even in offices. With the summer holidays, parents have found a cheaper meal to feed their children, whose appetite often increases at this time of year. Maize is fresh and cheap at the market, 12 small fresh maize sell for CFA 200 and 6-7 large ones for CFA 200. Josephine T., a maize trader, revealed that maize is quite cheap and available this year compared to last year and the demand for the grain is also high. By 9am, she was already on her 3rd bag of maize. "I came to the market today with 5 bags (50kg each) of fresh maize from my farm and I am sure I will sell it all before 10am. I sell to people who buy for home consumption and to women who buy to go and cook or roast to sell," she added.
Meanwhile, Solange Wointo



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