Sickle Cell Awareness : Laquintinie Patients Receive Donation

This was a prelude to the 2024 edition of World Sickle Cell Day on 19 June 2024.


Sickle cell patients currently receiving treatment at the Laquintinie Hospital in Douala were on Saturday, June 15, the happy recipients of materials to enable them to continue their treatment at the hospital. The gifts were donated by the Bonafide Ladies of Substance in Douala. The donation consisted of some medicines, toilet paper, water and tablet soap to name a few.  The 2024 edition of World Sickle Cell Day will be celebrated under the theme "Hope Through Progress: Advancing Sickle Cell Care Globally". World Sickle Cell Day is celebrated on 19 June. The day aims to raise awareness of the deadly disease. It also focuses on the challenges faced by those affected. World Sickle Cell Awareness Day provides an opportunity to focus on the equitable provision of health care to this patient population in order to improve health outcomes.
It is against this background that the President of the Bonafide Ladies of Substance in Douala, Blandine Frunji, has appealed to the hospital authorities to do their best in caring for sickle cell patients. She made the appeal on Saturday 15 June while handing over gifts to the hospital authorities. Blandine Frunji further reiterated that this was her own way of supporting the patients suffering from the diseases. She said as they prepare to celebrate the 2024 edition of World Sickle Cell Day, it was imperative for them to also raise the standard of the patients. She was quick to add that before coming to the hospital, they had conducted a needs assessment in collaboration with the hospital authorities.
For her part, the doctor in charge of the Sickle Cell Centre and chief of Paediatric department at the Laquininie Hospital in Douala Dr. Eposse Ella Charlotte thanked the donors for their gesture. She said the donations would be used wisely....



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