Managing Ex-Combatants : Engaging Women, Civil Society For Successful DDR Processes

A two-day workshop for Lake Chad Basin countries organized by the National Disarmament, Embolization and Reintegration Committee, NDDRC opened in Yaounde on June 24, 2024.

“The role of society and women in assuring successful Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration, DDR processes cannot be underestimated. This is the National Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Committee, NDDRC, maintains contacts with women’s groups. We believe that at the end of the workshop, women will receive better tools and the civil society will learn more ways of participating more effectively in the return of former combatants to their communities through DDR.


Empowerment With New Tools, Ideas 
“The workshop therefore seeks to build the capacity of women and the civil society in DDR processes. DDR concerns everybody because we handle former fighters who return to society. So we believe that the role of women and the civil society in DRR is vital, reason why we keep empowering them, improving their knowledge and tools with ideas from elsewhere so that they can effectively participate in the delicate task of handling ex-fighters,” explained Fai Yengo Francis, the Chairman of the National Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Committee, NDDRC.


Sharing Best Practices 
Fai Yengo spoke in Yaounde on Monday, June 24, 2024 at the opening of a workshop for participants from Lake Chad Basin countries of Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria on the topic, “Strengthening the engagement of women’s organizations and the civil society in Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration, DDR processes.” The regional workshop is sharing best practices from the Gender, Youth and Peace Initiative, PYPI project by NDDRC being implemented in the Far North Region by Local Youth Corner, LOYOC and Association de luttte contre les violences faites aux femmes, ALFC. 


Support For Women’s Organizations 
The NDDRC Chair said the project has sponsored 25 women’s organisations. “So far, NDDRC has demobilized 3,944 former combatants, while 600 others are awaiting demobilization in the coming weeks. Ex-combatants are received in DDR centres in country every week,” Fai Yengo disclosed.


Joining Forces With Cameroon
Dr Abdel Rahmane Diop, the International Organization for Migration, IOM Chief of Mission to Cameroon recalled that the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 1325 to promote women’s engagement in peace and security. “Cameroon and Africa’s candidate, His Excellency Philemon Yang was recently elected President of the United Nations General Assembly. Our concern now is how to put the resolution into effect in Cameroon’s specific context. It is clear to the United Nations agencies that Cameroonian women indeed play an important role in the DDR process in the country as promoted by President Paul Biya. The UN is joining forces with the Cameroonian government and President to promote women participation in the DDR process,” Dr Diop noted. 


Regional Participation 
The workshop brings together participants from the four Lake Chad Basin countries of Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria. Through women’s organizations to discuss best practices and how to promote the reintegration of ex-combatants and ex-associates of Non-State Armed Groups into their societies. 


The Contribution Of UN System
“The United Nations has contributed much in organizing the workshop - in terms of referring to the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and the Global Pact on Migration which both promote the engagement of all segments of society, including women, in DDR processes. The UN also contributed financially by developing projects and programmes to better impact people affected or involved in DDR. In addition, the UN system is also helping technically by building capacity at the level of national DDR process by engaging the civil society and women rebuilding peace in areas affected by conflict and crisis,” the IOM Chief of Mission to Cameroon said.    


DDR Cameroon Background
Since May 2022, the National Committee for Disarma...



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