“Digital Technology Has Brought Evolution In The Print Media”

Onuoha Ukeh, Managing Director/Editor-in-Chief, The Sun, Nigeria.

You are a special guest at the fiftieth anniversary of Cameroon Tribune. How do you feel about taking part in this event? 
I am excited and happy to be part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Cameroon Tribune. For a newspaper to be 50 years is something worthy of celebration, and when I was called, I did not hesitate to say I will be here. And it is also good for a newspaper to make peer review, to know what others are doing because it is our industry and any idea we can get from anywhere is good. Here, I will share my own idea and also learn what I can also take home to Nigeria and implement. 

Digital technology is central to the theme chosen for this event. What impact will this revolution have on the future of the print media? 
Well, digital technology has brought a lot of evolution in the print media. Some people say it is a threat, but I will rather say it is an opportunity because it has given the print media the opportunity to evolve and to do other things to cope. This is because it is a technology age and the print media has to adapt to the technology. So digital revolution has helped the print media to diversify because we cannot run away from it. In the print media landscape, you have to use technology. Now, we are talking about artificial intelligence and fact checking. And those are technological tools which are related to digital evolution. So the impact is to cause a positive turn around in the print media and it will help the print media to grow. 

Are we to believe that digital technology could wipe out the printed newspaper?
Digital technology is not a threat to print media. I will say it is an opportunity and a boost because even though it is going to take a little market, the print media will always be there. You know in the beginning, when the radio came, they say radio was a threat, but the print media survived. The television came and they said it was the end of the print media, yet they survived. So it is the same survival that we will experience in this digital technology age. 

How do you intend to capitalise on the scientific symposium in which you will be taking part?
Like I said, I am here to share ideas and also to learn. This is because when you have people from different countries coming to talk about the print media and technology, it is for every participant to take note and to learn, and it will help us in our indu...



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