Youth Empowerment : Development Project Ongoing In Yaounde IV

The initiative which seeks to address the participation of youths in local governance, was officially launched yesterday, July 17, 2024 in Yaounde.

Youths are resourceful and they are actors for the development of any community, but hardly involved or represented in the local governance of most communities. It is within this backdrop that the local NGO; Humanees, yesterday July 17, 2024 in Yaounde launched the initiative; “Voice Youth Fem” with the goal to strengthen the leadership, participatory democracy and decision-making skills of young people in neighbourhood Committees (NCs) to revitalise local governance and promote inclusive, transparent and accountable participation. 
Speaking at the launch of the project, the Coordinator of Humanees association, Joseph Bertrand said the initiative, which started on April 1, 2024 to end on December 31, 2024, will address the low participation of youths and women in local governance integrated in the Municipality Local Development Plan of Yaounde IV Council. According to the Representative of the Mayor of Yaounde IV, Marie-Gaelle Amgba Ekouti epse Ngos, Chief of Service for Decentralisation and Development at the Council, the project will help the municipality to develop civic awareness and a sense of common interest amongst every young person to bring about positive changes with communities in the Subdivision. In this light, a partnership agreement will be signed between the Council and the Humanees Assoc...



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