52nd National Day : Event Recapitulated In Images, Text

The recent edition of the Presidential magazine “Le Temps des Opportunités” takes readers to the event in which the Head of State and citizens communed.

Story-telling images and text on the commemoration of the 52nd National Day in Cameroon can be seen and read in the latest edition of the Presidential magazine, dubbed “Temps des Opportunités.” The publication of the Civil Cabinet of the Presidency of the Republic, now available on newsstands, takes its readers to the great moment of patriotism that saw the Head of State, Paul Biya and citizens celebrate the ideals of national unity, something everyone holds with reverence. The magazine spans the period April to June 2024. 
The editorial of the bilingual document is written by the Publisher, Samuel Mvondo Ayolo, who is also Minister, Director of the Civil Cabinet of the Presidency of the Republic. In it, he recalls that far from being a routine exercise, the celebration of the National Day is an authentic highlight of the nation, a unique annual meeting of the people around its leader, to magnify unity in diversity of the beautiful Cameroonian mosaic. Recalling the theme chosen for this year’s celebration, "Army and Nation, Together for a United, Peaceful and Prosperous Cameroon", the Publisher notes that the "Cameroonian people have, once again, joyfully deployed, in the eyes of the world, their attachment to the symbols and cardinal values of the Nation.” A total of 63 pages out of the 116-page document, are dedicated to the National Day celebration where the reader has more to see than to read. The Presidential tribune with the special guests of the Head of State, as well as military and civilian march past are well captured in the publication with photo captions to give the reader an insight of the event at the May 20 Bolevard in Yaounde. Political parties represented in Parliament that also took part in the march past are presented in the Presidential magazine. Indeed, from the pictures, one see...



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