CIMPOR Cement Plant : Practical Import-Substitution Catalyst

The factory with an annual production of 1.2 million tons of cement will greatly help in meeting the demands of the local population.

Kribi, a seaside industrial zone in the Ocean Division of the South Region now has a new cement producing factory, known as CIMPOR Cameroun SA. The Turkish firm was inaugurated by the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Joseph Dion Ngute, on behalf of the President of the Republic, on July 19, 2024. Covering a total surface area of 12 hectares, the factory has a capacity of producing 1.2 million tons of cement annually and 400,000 tons of calcined clay. Divided into the administrative, production and packaging units, CIMPOR manages to reduce carbondioxide emissions per ton of cement basis by up to 40 per cent. Calcined-clay added cements are produced on its part using their own technology called “deOHclay”. The production technology as explained by officials of the factory makes it possible to save up to 80 per cent in carbondioxide emission, up to 35 per cent in electrical energy consumption, and up to 40 per cent in thermal energy consumption per ton, compared to conventional clinker production. On a global basis, production is done based on innovative and sustainable procedures that suit the country’s resources and nature. The cement factory is equipped with the world’s first and only currently operating calcined clay production line with flash calciner. The plants boasts of a concrete and cement grinding facilities. 
The cement factory is said to produce the highest quality cement using the calcined clay technology with a much lower carbon footprint, at the moment. The technology not only has much lower greenhouse gas emissions, but also supports sustainability-based production with less thermal and electrical energy consumption. Before now, economic operators and individuals depended largely on cement produced in Douala. The new factory located in Krib...



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