North West : Regional Assembly Examines First Semester Performance

Updates of the performance, 2025 budget orientation debate and the announced visit of Public Health Minister constitute major highlights of the current ordinary session.

The members of the North West Regional Assembly started the June 2024 ordinary session of the House on July 22, 2024 that is holding on the theme, “2025 budget orientation debate, update of first semester 2024 performance.” The President of the North West Regional Executive Council, Professor Fru Angwafo III in his welcome address told the honorable members of the House that during the session, they, “are called to adjust the 2024 budget since we have over FCFA 1.2 billion more for investment.”  The money that has increased the 2024 budget of the Regional Assembly to over FCFA 6.79 billion has come from additional funds received from government and reallocation have been done with regard to expenditure. 
Professor Fru Angwafo III used the occasion to announce the arrival of the Minister of Public Health, Dr Manaouda Malachie to the North West and the Regional Assembly in particular at the close of the ongoing session. He cited some of the recent Health District Areas, and health structures created in the North West Region.  In another vein, specifically on citizen participation, the President of the North West Regional Assembly called on elected officials of the region to follow up investments as well as the Peace and Development Initiative (PDI) projects, insisting that, “It is an imperative and cause for our survival.”  He enumerated the activities of the Regional Assembly during the inter-sessio...



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