Paris Olympics : The Touch Of First Ladies

Cameroon’s Mrs Chantal Biya, and her peers accompanying their spouses for the opening ceremony of the Games, shared best moments with France’s Mme Brigitte Macron during a lunch yesterday July 25, 2024.

Mrs Chantal Biya, First Lady of Cameroon, was in the news in Paris yesterday July 25, 2024 as she joined the wives of other world leaders, present here for the official opening ceremony of the Games, to dine with host first woman, Mme Brigitte Macron. The lunch was in prelude to the official opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympic Games which the French Republic is hosting in its capital, Paris. 
The Cameroon’s First Lady who is accompanying her husband, President Paul Biya, arrived in Paris Wednesday ahead of the yesterday’s First Ladies’ lunch at the Élysée Palace. Even beyond enjoying the variety of French and other European cuisine, the come together also gave the First Ladies the opportunities to share best moments, experiences and hopefully create contacts given the place that some, if not all, of them occupy in the daily lives of their respective peoples. A rare moment for the First Ladies to give their touch to the Paris Games.
The sharing that characterised the First Ladies’ lunch squarely tied with the Olympic values of excellence, respect and friendship being promoted by successive editions of the global sports competition. Principles which constitute the foundation on which the Olympic movement builds its activities to promote sport, culture and education in building a better world. The First Ladies are mothers of mankind and thus have a pivotal role to play in shaping a world sought for by people of goodwill.
Mrs Chantal Biya no doubt used the sports-driven lunch to also share the workings of her humanitarian activities in Cameroon, through her numerous charitable organisations. Even on issues that concern global health, especially within the framework of the African Synergies Against AIDS and Sufferings which she created and painstakingly works alongside other African First Ladies for the wellbeing of young Africans in the face of menacing HIV/AIDS
The UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador is therefore a national and international figure whose generosity transcends Cameroon....



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