Good Governance : Compound In Enhancing Living Together

Some members of the Bilingualism Commission on July 24, 2024 granted a conference on good governance vis-à-vis social cohesion at the 13th edition of SAGO.

Living together is a concept that has a direct impact on sustainable development of any society. Cameroon, having expressed internal and external security threats which have caused some degree of social unrest, holds dear to national unity and peaceful social cohesion. It is within this backdrop that some members of the National Commission for the Promotion of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism, on July 24, 2024 granted a conference, at the 13th edition of the Government Action Fair, SAGO, on the theme; “The practice of good governance as a catalyst in the promotion of living together.” 
In his introductory statement, Dr. Pierre Vincent Ngambo Fondjo, member of the Commission, noted that governance is as old as societal systems and Article 337 of the National Development Strategy 2020-2023 sufficiently highlights on the subject. His presentation was on the concept on governance and living together. He adds that the second phase of the 2035 emergence programme of Cameroon has six main pillars, amongst them good governance and the promotion of bilingualism and citizenship. Dr. Pierre Vincent Ngambo further adds that Article 3(1) on the creation and organisation of the Commission states their missions which amongst others include the promotion of the policy of official languages with the objective of maintaining peace, consolidating national unity and social cohesion. 
Jean Marc Afesi Mbafor, another member of the commission did a presentation on the absence of good governance as a threat to living together. Inflation, absence of the rule of law, non-inclusion of diversity, tribalism and discrimination are some of the threats which need to be addressed using several measures. As a result, he said, the Commission has embarked on a number of pedagogic activities as palliative measures to bridge some of the gaps.  



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