Irregular Absence Of State Employees : Punitive Measures To Be Tightened

Prime Minister Joseph Dion Ngute yesterday July 25, 2024 chaired a cabinet meeting geared at tackling the phenomenon which is affecting the economy negatively.

Members of government, yesterday July 25, 2024 in a monthly cabinet meeting chaired by the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Joseph Dion Ngute reflected on tackling the recurrent practice of State employees being absent from work. To the Prime Minister, the phenomenon has been noticed especially in rural areas. Faced with the situation, he said the Head of State prescribed an interministerial meeting and the strategic cabinet meeting was aimed at addressing the situation which has a negative impact on the economy of the State. 
To that effect, the Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reforms, Joseph LE did a presentation on “The obligations of State employees to be present at their workstations: General framework and implications for public service effectiveness nationwide.” Recalling that regulations in force provide for the dismissal of a State employee after 30 days of unjustifiable absence, the Minister said a battery of measures have been put in place to fight against the practice. Curbing administrative tolerance, effective use of the Permanent Disciplinary Board of the Public Service, the imminent implementation of the Personnel and Payroll Management Application Software (AIGLES), and ensuring that various incentive attached to effective presence, are some of the measures highlighted by the Minister. “The effective end of the phase devoted to the clearing of disciplinary files resulting from the COPPE operation, with the proposed dismissal of 6,000 public servants whose expulsion files are in the final phase of processing would send a strong signal to those who might be tempted to persist in this type of behaviour. We cannot continue to pay people who do not work,” Joseph LE stated.
On his part, the Minister of Territorial Administration, Paul Atanga Nji, presented the role of administrative authorities in combating irregular absence of State e...



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