SAGO 2024 : Curtains Drop, Appraisal Made…

A balance sheet of the eight-day event notes that there were a total of 72,000 visitors, 248 exhibitors and 20 public conference held.

The 13th edition of the Government Action Fair (SAGO) that began on July 20, came to an end on July 27, 2024.  The eight-day event held at the Yaounde multipurpose sports complex under the theme; “Good governance and improving the living conditions of citizens.” To officially close the event, was the Secretary General of the Ministry of Communication, Félix Zogo, who did so on behalf of the Minister of Communication and Government Spokesperson, René Emmanuel Sadi. In his closing remark, the strategic gathering gave the public administration the opportunity to showcase their services and opportunities. He noted that the event was able to demystify some of the public perceptions on issues of the public service delivery as Ministers and technical experts were present to respond to questions from the public during the round table discussions and also when visitors made a stop at the stand requesting information or clarification on a topic.
SAGO Project Manager, Patrice Assiga who gave a balance sheet of the event noted that there is mounting effervescence from the public. “This year, we were able to register 248 exhibitors, as against 230 registered last year. We had initially projected registering 200,000 visitors but registered 72,000 visitors. We could have had more but there were other events on the national territory and that is understandable. But SAGO 2024 was an event that was greatly followed especially on the media plan because the 20 public conference that were held were relayed by at least six television channels per day,” he noted. The SAGO project Manager added that they registered for the first time a colloquium on water and sanitation that was organ...



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