2024 Paralympics : Team Cameroon In France

The ceremony to hand over the flag of the country to the athletes took place at the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education on Friday August 9, 2024.

Cameroonian athletes to take part in the 2024 Paris Paralympic Games are already in France. The five Cameroonian flagbearers left the yesterday August 11, 2024, Poitiers, France where they will continue training ahead of the kick off of the competition. The ceremony to hand over the flag of the country to the athletes took place at the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education on Friday August 9, 2024. 
Speaking at the occasion, the Minister of sports and Physical Education, Narcisse Mouelle reminded the athletes that the government has always attached great importance in the participation in international competitions. He said the State has made substantial resources available their preparation and participation in the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. In return, Cameroon is entitled to expect an honourable participation from its Ambassadors in the Republic of France. Handing over the country’s flag to Cameroon’s standard-bearer, Dassi Antoinette Marie, Minister Mouelle Kombi called on the sportsmen and women to defend their country with self-sacrifice, courage, dignity, pride sportsmanship and fair play. 
On behalf of the athletes Antoinette on behalf of the athletes assured the Minister of their determination to defend the country valuably and bring back fame and glory. The President of the National Paralympic Committee, Jean Jacques Ndoudoumou said it is a huge task ahead but Team Cameroon is determined to give its best. 
The five athletes will represent Cameroon in three disciplines. These include Para Taekwondo,...



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