Local Governance : Progress Recorded In South West

The session to assess the road covered so far was convened by the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator and had in attendance the two City Councils and 31 Councils of the regions.

The Office of the Public Independent Conciliator (OPIC) for the South West after concerting with municipal authorities has indicated that progress has been made in local governance. The session at the Buea Council hall on Tuesday August 27, 2024 had in attendance the two City Councils and the 31 local councils in the region. Motaze Telelen Dorothy Atabong, Public Independent Conciliator for the South West Region, said her office is serving as a watchdog and ensuring that social justice is upheld in all the 31 municipalities and two city councils of the region. She indicated that OPIC has laid the groundwork through which mayors are working closely with inhabitants, engaging them in town hall meetings and council sessions. All of these, she explained, is to enhance local governance.
The Mayors and the Public Independent Conciliator resolved that civil status documents (birth, marriage and death certificates) should be free in all the 31 councils and two city councils. They urged users to ensure that they come for the documents within the prescribed time frame. Mayors were also urged to be committed in executing public investment projects which will better the lives of citizens thereby reducing social strife.
Motaze Telelen said progress has been made in decentralization. “I think decentralisation is one of the best things that happened. A lot of things that use to take place at the national level have been brought down to the municipality. Local authorities have been empowered and given funds to carry out their development. &l...



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