Voter Registration : Process Closes Nationwide Tomorrow

After August 31, 2024, persons of voting age will no longer be able to have their names entered into the annual registers in accordance with Section 74 (2) of the Electoral Code.

The annual revision exercise carried out by Elections Cameroon (ELECAM) for the registration of potential electors on the electoral register, according to legal dispositions, comes to an end tomorrow August 31, 2024 at midnight. This means that persons of voting age have less than 48 hours to carry out the exercise for the current year. This is in accordance with the provisions of the Electoral Code in its Section 74 which states that electoral registers shall be permanent and shall be revised every year throughout the national territory. “The annual revision of the electoral registers shall commence on 1 January and end on 31August of every year,” stipulates the Code. 
In order to capitalize on the little time that remains, members of the Electoral Board are on the ground to motivate the teams at the regional level and to raise awareness among latecomers of voting age. These officials are taking the opportunity to evaluate the path covered and boost the registration exercise. In an interview accorded Cameroon Tribune on August 9, 2024, the Director General of Elections at ELECAM, Dr. Erik Essousse noted that they are satisfied with the figures already recorded so far. Statistics reveal that as at August 1, 2024, some 580,383 potential electors had been newly registered, pending the revision of the lists to delete the names of deceased persons, adjust clerical errors and take into consideration geographical mobility of labour. The above mentioned figure is an improvement as compared to the same period ...



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