Guaranteeing Security of Learners : All Hands On Deck In South West

School administrators alongside administrative and security authorities have taken proactive measures to ensure the well-being of learners and teachers in the Region from potential harm throughout the current academic year.

School safety and security especially in crisis-hit areas like the Far North, North West and South West Regions are of primary concern to government. As the 2024/2025 school year unfolds across the South West Region in particular, education stakeholders in various sectors are leaving no stone unturned to ensure that children, teachers, administrators, and their families feel safe inside their educational facilities. School administrators in the six divisions of the South West Region have taken the command baton in addition to security measures put in place by defense and security forces. Learning facilities have thus implemented procedures, policies and emergency protocols to guarantee the wellbeing of all as far as the 2024/2025 school year is concerned. Talking to some school heads in the region, they noted that the construction of fence around schools, creation of vigilante groups, employment of security guards are some of the measures put in place.
Mundi Valentine Chia, Director of National Bilingual Vocational Training Centre, Kumba explained that so far, they have done their best to guarantee safety of students and teachers by; building a school fence all-round the campus, employed security guards, established vigilante groups in the community who are paid on a monthly basis. 
Eugene Nkom, Proprietor of Morning Dew Bilingual Nursery and Primary School Buea also made it clear that, they have provided a school bus for pupils that would transport them to and from school. They have also employed security guards to guarantee pupil’s safety on campus. “Before pupils get into the school, the security officer collects their identification cards from them to ensure they are on campus and before leaving in the afternoon they collect the cards. 
Officials defense and security forces in the region also met prior to the start of the school year to map out strategies to protect schools, learners and teachers. Also, on September 4, South ...



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