Eyumojock Municipality : Council Guarantees Better Service Delivery

The Office of Public Independent Conciliator for the South West Region introduced its mission to the population during a maiden visit in the Council area on October 9, 2024.

Staff of Eyumojock Council in Manyu Division of the South West Region have been reminded of their ethical obligations in the discharge of their duties. On Wednesday October 9, 2024, at the Eyumojock Council hall, the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator (OPIC) for the South West Region told council staff that they should not be discriminatory to service users. It urged the staff to be hospitable, receptive and duty-conscious to council service users. Motaze Telelen Dorothy Atabong, Public Independent Conciliator, insisted to the population and council staff that her office is to ensure amicable settlement of disputes between council and its users. 
Tabe Adel, resource person, on her part outlined users’ contribution for a smooth flow of services at Eyumojock Council. Users have to pay their taxes, exercise compliance with municipal regulations, participate in the democratic process, and make responsible use of public utilities among others. Eyumojock Council on its part has to provide street lights, ensure the issuance of civil status documents, equip and manage council integrated health centres, promote and coordinate sport and youth actives etc. Fonju Bernard, resource person, presented the missions of OPIC which are amicable settlement of disputes between users and councils, and ensuring that council workers adhere to their ethical obligation of providing services without discrimination to users etc.  
Awounfack Alienou Yves Bertrand, Senior Divisional Officer for...



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