Kumba : BIR Offers Benches, Didactics To Schools

Government Bilingual High School Mambanda and Government Technical College Teke in Kumba III Subdivision recently benefitted from the largesse of the Rapid Intervention Battalion.

A total of 107 benches and didactic materials have been donated to two government colleges located within the same precinct with the Sixth Rapid Intervention Battalion (BIR) in charge of the South West Region with headquarters in Mambanda, Kumba. Government Bilingual High School (GBHS) Mambanda and Government Technical College (GTC) Teke are now furnished with new benches to cover the bench deficit of the schools. 
The donation that took place at the campus of the GBHS Mambanda on October 22, 2024, falls in line with the civilo-military action of the Rapid Intervention Battalion. According to the Commander of the 6th BIR Region, Lieutenant Colonel Onana Gilles Mbarga, the BIR observed a shortage of benches in the two schools adjacent to their base especially with the increase in the number of leaners. The donation of the benches and other didactics like pens, pencils, rulers and chalks, amongst others, was a fulfillment of a promised made. 
The 6th BIR Region Commander encouraged the students to take their studies seriously because the future is in the youth. “Within context of Army-Nation, it is our responsibility as the defense forces to encourage the youth to go to school and concentrate on their studies,” he explained while s...



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