Tchoukball; A Hybrid Sport

It is a mixture of volleyball, handball and squash.


Tchoukball is a new sports discipline discover by Swiss man, Hermann Brandt who wanted a discipline void of contact and violence but which contributes to the physical well being of practitioners. It consists of shooting the ball on a goal post such that it bounces and it is not caught by the opponent before it touches the ground within the court. It is played on a surface area equivalent to that of a volleyball court, that is, 14x24 metres, with seven players each way.  It is a blend of volleyball, handball and squash. From its humble birth in Geneva, the sport has spread to all corners of the world.

In Cameroon, the sport was introduced by a team of sports and physical education teachers who discovered it on the internet and decided to contact the International Tchoukball Federation in view of implanting the sports in Cameroon. The discipline for now is governed by an association which received the authorization of the ministry of Sports and physical education in 2010. Since then the officials of the association have been working to promote the development of the sports in Cameroon which for now is practiced in Yaounde, Mbalmayo, Dschang, Douala and Kribi.

According to the president of the Cameroon Tchoukball Association, Jean Francis Gwadé, their ambition is to develop the sport in all the Regions of the country...



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