HIV Drug Resistance:CIRCB Records Remarkable Research Results

The centre held its 6th Scientific Council n July 6, 2017 in Yaounde.

Research activities from January 2017 until date at the Chantal Biya International Reference Centre for Research on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Management (CIRCB) were evaluated on July 6, 2017 at the 6th Scientific Council of the institution. President of the Scientific Council, Professor Carlo-Federico Perno, who is also Chair of Virology, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy, said work at the centre is improving with a lot of new projects in progress and publication. Without doubts, Prof. Perno said CIRCB is probably one of the highest quality HIV centre in Central Africa in terms of HIV diagnoses, viral load and CD4 counts with fantastic outcome in resistance test which is still a major problem for HIV treatment today.
Prof. Perno told the press HIV remains a major problem in Africa and Cameroon in particular and it’s necessary to ensure that resources placed at CIRCB to handle the pandemic are dedicated to the most important needs of HIV patients. Given that many patients over the years have lost their HIV treatment because drug resistance sets in, having a centre like CIRCB, which is able to produce quality worldwide standards in HIV resistance test that helps improve patients health is a major achievement in Cameroon, the President of the Scientific Council  noted. So far, no centre in the Central Africa Region is dedicated to HIV resistance test. The centre is over 11years old and it is growing and producing many data that are relevant in the public health system as well as the health of single HIV patients.
CIRCB Laboratories Coordinator, Professor Judith Torimiro said over the years, they have been looking at risk factors that could favour the transmission of HIV from mother-to-...



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