Mt. Cameroon Race of Hope : Preparations Gather Steam

The last preparatory meeting took place in the conference hall of the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education yesterday, Tuesday February 20, 2024.


The 29th edition of the Mount Cameroon Race of Hope will take place in Buea in the South West Region on Saturday, February 24, 2024 under the theme; “Let’s give peace a chance.” Ahead of this historic event, preparations have intensified in the country. The last preparatory meeting took place in the conference hall of the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education yesterday, Tuesday February 20, 2024. The meeting chaired by the Minister of Sports and Physical Education, Narcisse Mouelle Kombi, brought together officials of the Cameroon Athletics Federation, representatives of partner ministries, and other partners.
Speaking at the occasion Minister Mouelle called on organisers to work in collaboration with the local organising committee to ensure a magnificent event. He assured athletes who will participate in the competition as well as the public that the state has taken all necessary measures to ensure that the competition goes on in the best conditions so as to ensure the security of people and their properties. He wished the athletes and particularly the Cameroonian athletes the best performance.
The purpose of the meeting was for organisers to evaluate the state of preparedness of the race less than one week to the event. The different committee heads took turns to present to the minister the level of preparedness for their committees. The President of the Cameroon Athletics Federation, Emmanuel Motomby Mbome said Buea is set for the race. He said the Governor of the South West Region who doubles as chairperson of the Local Organising Committee who has a powerful team around him to ensure that success is achieved. As far as the race is concerne...


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