Security in Lake Chad Basin : US Lauds Cameroon’s Commitment

Prime Minister Joseph Dion Ngute received a delegation from the United States Congress led by French Hill, and Chrissy Houlalan on June 18, 2024.

“Cameroon has been our most trusted and effective partner in the Lake Chad Basin in the fight against Boko Haram and related terrorist activities. We are here to say thank you to the government of Cameroon for the outstanding partnership we have together in our fight against terrorism in the Lake Chad Basin. We appreciate that commitment and the United States stands firm with Cameroon’s partnership in that fight,” stated French Hill after a working session with the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Joseph Dion Ngute on June 18, 2024. In the delegation was also Chrissy Houlahan, member of Congress for Pennsylvania. Both personalities serve in the United States Congress Oversight Committee on Intelligence. Besides security, discussions during the working session also touched on the health sector, with the senior officials of the United States Congress equally reaffirming their commitment to supporting public health policies in Cameroon, especially in the fight against HIV/AIDS and malaria control.
Acknowledging the evident partnership between Cameroon and the United States in the fight against terrorism, the Prime Minister noted that there are still some challenges that need to be tackled for effective peace and serenity in the locality, especially in the Far North Region of Cameroon where sporadic attacks of Boko Haram still scare the population.  As the Prime Minister presented an overview of the state of relations between Cameroon and the United States which date back to 1960, he noted that they have really been a friend in need and a friend i...


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