Humanitarian Situation In Africa : Foreign Ministers Advocate Multiform Actions

Minister Mbella Mbella presented Cameroon’s statement at the AU Security Council meeting that held by video conference on June 19, 2024 and chaired by H.E Gen. Odongo Jeje Abubakhar of Uganda.

Africa, just like other continents of the world, is being confronted by several crises that provoke forced movements. Internal and external conflicts, natural disasters and the effects of climate change are some of the factors that necessitate these forced movements, thereby aggravating the humanitarian situation of the continent. Statistics indicate that there are an estimated 113 million people around the world who go to bed not knowing what they will eat the next day. Amongst the total number, Africa counts 37 million. This therefore calls for concerted actions to address the humanitarian situation, hence the African Union’s Security Council meeting which took place on June 19, 2024 by video conference. Uganda assumed the presidency of the Security Council for the month of June, reason deliberations were chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uganda, H.E Gen. Odongo Jeje Abubakhar, on the theme; “Refugees, internally displaced persons and the humanitarian situation in Africa.”
Congratulating Uganda for being a wonderful chair for the month of June, Minister Mbella Mbella, head of Cameroon’s delegation at the deliberations, noted that the theme chosen is a square peg in a square hole given that States are commemorating the 50th anniversary of the African Union’s Convention on Refugees. Stating that an evaluation of various engagements of the post Malabo Accord needs to be done, the Minister said the humanitarian situation warrants a multifaceted approach. The head of the Cameroonian delegation explained to other Foreign Ministers that Cameroon is host to over 400,000 refugees and the government of Cameroon under the leadership of President Paul Biya has engaged in several actions to protect this vulnerable population. He cited the putting in place of a technical secretariat on November 28, 2011 for the management of the status o...


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