Interview: “We Work As Partners To Develop The School”

Soh, PTA President, Government Bilingual High School, Bamenda, Down Town, talks on his working relationship with the school authorities.


What are some of the activities of the Parent Teachers’ Association, PTA of GBHS Bamenda Down town?

As PTA President, I execute the projects of the General Assembly. The General Assembly meets once a year and at times we call for extraordinary meetings when there are urgent issues at stake. We carry out projects agreed by the General Assembly as proposed by parents and requested by the school authorities.

What projects have you so far carried out?

We have constructed classrooms, built and equipped laboratories and acquired learning material. We also have teachers and staff who we pay every month and at the end of the year, we offer bonuses to teachers who did some extra work. We carry out renovation of the school campus each year. In the future, we plan to construct a playground. Presently, we are constructing a wall to support a rock so that it should not roll over one day and crush children in class. This is because the school is located in a sloppy, rocky area.

What is your relationship with the school administration?




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