Decent Work: PM Instructs Pooling Of Financial Resources

 Below is a press release following the cabinet meeting of November 30, 2017 Prime Minister Philemon Yang chaired in Yaounde.

“The Prime Minister, Head of Government, His Excellency Philemon YANG, this Thursday 30 November 2017 chaired a Cabinet Meeting at 9 a.m. at the Prime Minister's Office.
Apart from his close aides, the Meeting was attended by Ministers of State, Ministers, Ministers Delegate and Secretaries of State.

The following items featured on the agenda:
1. Statement by the Minister of Labour and Social Security on implementation of the Decent Work Country Programme;
2. Report by the Minister of Basic Education on conclusions of the 39th session of the UNESCO general conference.
After the introductory statement by the Head of Government, the Minister of Labour and Social Security revealed that the Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) is part of the cooperation with the International Labour Organization (lLO). This Programme was designed following the principle of tripartism associating Government, Employers, and Workers. It is underpinned by four main pillars namely: employment, civil protection, promotion of right to work, and social dialogue. Within the framework of implementing this Programme, Cameroon and the lLO signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 22 October 2014 for the 2014-2017 period, which was based on three priority thrusts, namely:
(i) increasing decent employment opportunities and income generating activities;
(ii) improving the regulatory framework and working conditions for all ;
(iii) capacity building for the tripartite constituents to social dialogue.
Talking about the results obtained   from the execution of this Programme, the Minister mentioned  amongst others,
(i) the adoption of the National Action Plan to combat worst forms of child labour ;
(ii) the signing of various legal texts on the care of those who voluntarily subscribed to the insurance scheme for pensioners, and increasing the amount of family  allowance to workers ;
(iii) the signing of collective and establishing agreements;
(iv) the institution of a National  Consultation Committee to monitor  Social  Dialogue. Regarding  prospects, the Minister of Labour and Social Security announced the extension to 2019 of the Decent Work Country Programme to consolidate the results obtained and amplify their impacts.
The floor was later given to the Minister of Basic Education for her report on the unfolding of the 39th session of the UNESCO General  Conference which was held in France from 30 October to 14 November 2017. The main point was that the issues discussed...



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