Handicraft Villages: Regional Heads Take Refresher Courses

They were trained in a capacity building workshop in Mbalmayo recently.

Regional Chiefs of Services in charge of handicrafts and handicraft villages have taken refresher courses on their duties and the functioning of the Ministry of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, Social Economy and Handicraft, under which their institutions are placed. They were trained in a two-day workshop that took place in Mbalmayo recently.

The seminar was opened by the Inspector General of the Ministry, Emelia Chindo Nanmob Fonkem. The Inspector General said the capacity building seminar is part of a continuous training process for personnel of handicraft villages intended to make the structures void of internal bickering. “We are training them on the texts regulating the functioning of handicraft villages and the different roles they have to play in training, production, promotion and commercialisation of crafts. This would take out all areas of conflict and improve synergy in the running of handicraft villages,” she said.

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