President Paul Biya Calls For Mutual Forgiveness

The message is contained in a tweet published yesterday, May 7, 2019.

The Head of State, President Paul Biya is fully making use of the rapidly evolving technological world to address his compatriots and give them timely messages. On May 7, 2019 in yet another tweet, the President of the Republic decided to pass across the message of forgiveness which paves the way for a brighter and successful future.

He twitted, “The essential thing today is to forgive and to forget, to work together towards a common goal. We cannot, at one and the same time, look towards the future and live in the past. Mutual forgiveness is the path to lasting peace.” President Biya’s tweet comes at the time mobilisation is gathering momentum in the country for the celebration of the 47th edition of Cameroon’s Unitary State which comes up on National Day, May 20, 2019.

The message of the Head of State ties with the general theme of the National Day celebrations; “Unity in diversity, a major asset of the Cameroonian people in their determined move towards emergence.” For close to three years now, Cameroon more than ever before, is facing security challenges that seriously threaten the very foundations of the State. Proponents of secession have not only been attempting to disintegrate the country but most of them have taken up arms.

The destruction and bitterness that the situation has created and the determination of the Head of State to keep all sons and daughters of Cameroon under one roof, h...



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