CERAC 2016: Celebration Graces Positive Balance Sheet

Activities to mark the association’s 24th General Assembly took place under the auspices of the First Lady, Mrs Chantal Biya, on December 16, 2016.


Even the drenching rain that characterised most of Yaounde on December 16, 2016 did not deter members of the Circle of Friends of Cameroon (CERAC) nor dim their spirits in celebrating the successes registered in the course of 2016. With a positive balance sheet after the association’s 24th General Assembly, the ladies, together with the association’s Founding President, First Lady, Mrs Chantal Biya, joined local and international artistes to chant and dance in the rain to the immerse pleasure of their guests.

While opening the General Assembly, the General Coordinator of CERAC, Mrs Linda Yang, said it was an opportunity for the association’s members to take stock of the year which is rounding-off and to make projections for the future through the presentation of an action plan, programme of activities and the adoption of a budget for 2017. Discussions revealed that the year was indeed a victorious one because friendship and active solidarity between the association’s members enabled the ladies to implement projects of humanitarian assistance to vulnerable people by improving their living conditions, health as well as access to education for kids.

From January to December, through the 10 regions of the country, the humanitarian caravan of CERAC made a stop in each region to hand over primary schools rehabilitated and equipped by the association, offer medical equipment to district hospitals and agricultural tools to rural women. Even the elderly were not left out of CERAC’s humanitarian plan as well as the fight against HIV amongst youths. Such good work did not just end with a message of congratulations from CERAC’s Founding President to the members.

Mrs Biya later j...



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