Fight Against HIV: African Synergy Fetes 19th Anniversary

Founded by Cameroon’s First Lady, Chantal Biya, the association of African First Ladies continues to curb HIV and Suffering in Africa and beyond.

November 16, 2002-November 16, 2021, African Synergy Against AIDS and Suffering is 19 years old. It has been 19 years of struggle for the prevention and management of HIV/AIDS, 19 years for mother and child, 19 years for more social justice and a better redistribution of wealth and opportunities. The Pan-African non-governmental organisation founded by Cameroon’s First Lady, Chantal Biya, is still waxing strong and moving forward in the fight against HIV, suffering, Covid-19 and crusade for human dignity. The Executive Secretary of African Synergy, Jean Stéphane Biatcha says 19 years of existence brings a spontaneous feeling of gratitude and honour to have been spearheading humanitarian activities of African First Ladies in many domains.

African Synergy is another initiative launched during the 32nd OAU Summit by the First Lady of Cameroon, Chantal Biya, to address problems facing rural women and children in Africa. It is a non-governmental organisation comprising First Ladies from Africa and other continents who accept to adhere to its statute, natural or legal persons of goodwill and scientists who contribute to the achievement of the goals and objectives of African Synergy, including former First Ladies of Africa and from other continents, on their request. The Pan-African organisation seeks to put an end to child labour and other forms of child abuse.

The role of the association has been to seek all means to secure improved living conditions for African rural women;  provide constant support for the effective implementation of the Geneva Declaration, African and global platforms. HIV-AIDS control is a major concern of African Synergy. Many gifts have been made to the organisation to help combat the HIV scourge, which is plaguing communities worldwide. For over 19 years, the in...



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