Electronic Governance: Three Smart Campuses To Be Constructed In 2022

Worth about 4 Billion FCFA, the project is supported by the South Korean government through the Korean International Cooperation Agency, KOICA.

As part of efforts to ease access to the Public Service and improve efficiency, almost 4,000 people will henceforth be trained each year in electronic governance. In prelude to the start of training, three smart campuses or digital centres will be constructed next year. Making the announcement in Yaounde on Friday, November 26, 2021 at the Korea-Cameroon Digital Forum, Joseph LE, the Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reforms, MINFOPRA, said the project will cost about 4 Billion FCFA.

Supported by the South Korean government through the Korean International Cooperation Agency, KOICA, the smart campuses will be hosted by the National School of Administration and Magistracy, ENAM, the National Advanced School of Post, Telecommunication and Information and Communication Technology, SUP’PTIC, and the National Advanced School of Engineering, ENSP - all in Yaounde.

The Korea-Cameroon Public Service Forum, organised to mark 60 years of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Cameroon and South Korea, focused on “Digital Governance for Administrative Transformation.” The event was also to share the lessons learnt from last week’s trip to Abuja, Nigeria – sponsored by KOICA - by a delegation, including representatives of MINFOPRA, the Prime Minister’s office and the Presidency. The objective was to understudy Nigeria’s successful management of digital government – also with support from KOICA.

I must thank the South Korean Ambassador for this support for the construction and equipment of three smart campuses. This is only the beginning. Many more things could come in terms of capacity-building of public servants,” Minister LE promised. “We are ready to start, we are committed to this project and I wil...



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