Bamenda: Michael Bibi Is Auxiliary Bishop

The information was made public yesterday, January 24, 2016 by the Apostolic Nonce, Piero Pioppo. 

Pope Francis has appointed Rev Fr. Michael Miabesue Bibi as the Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Bamenda. The clock stroke 12 noon, yesterday January 24th, 2017 when the news reached out to metropolitan Bamenda where he has been serving as the Chancellor of the Archdiocese since 2012.
Rev Fr Michael Bibi, who was born on July 28th, 1971, is an illustrious son of Bamessing (Nsei) Ngoketunjia Division, North-West Region. In a quick reaction, His Lordship Michael Bibi told Cameroon Tribune that he was surprised and felt frightened at the choice of His Holiness, Pope Francis. He hoped that things will not be too different from the experience he has gained serving as the Chancellor of the archbishop's house in Bamenda. Ordained 14 years ago as a diocesan priest, by the late archbishop Paul Verdzekov, Michael Bibi was firstly Vicar Priest in St Jude Parish, Fundong and later in St. Matthias’ Parish, Widikum.
 In 2004, he was sent to England to the Maryvale Institute of Birmingham, where he achieved a Master’s Degree in Catechesis in 2006. Upon his return to Cameroon, he was appointed Director of Maryvale Institute of Bamenda and Le...



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