Diplomatic Archives : Role In National Development Emphasised

Minister Felix Mbayu chaired the opening of a capacity building workshop at the Ministry of External Relations yesterday June 18, 2024 on the need for the preservation of archives.

Archives are the life wire to the history of a people and keeps historical records for consultation. Cameroon definitely understands the importance of archiving which explains why there is currently a proposed legal instrument in Parliament to regulate archives in Cameroon. Thus, within the framework of the better preservation of archives at the Ministry of External Relations, staff, especially those of the Department of Communication, Documentation and Diplomatic Archives are updating their skills on the conservation of archives, mails and records that contain facts and crucial information for the country. This is as Cameroon celebrates the International Archives Week, usually commemorated from June 3-9 every year. But due to time constrains as a result of conflicting professional calendars, Cameroon is commemorating this week under the theme, “Cyber Archives: The role of archives in the digital transformation of Cameroon’s diplomacy.” The Minister Delegate to the Minister of External Relations in charge of Cooperation with the Commonwealth, Felix Mbayu chaired the opening of the capacity building workshop on June 18, 2024, on behalf of Minister Mbella Mbella.
While noting that the celebration is holding within a special context marked by a fast evolving digital landscape and the interdisciplinary nature of archives, the Minister added that planned activities for the week at the Ministry of External Relations are geared towards discussing the impact of technological advancements in the field of archiving, and raising the awareness of the general public on the new methods of consulting diplomatic archives. “The celebration affords the opportunity to showcase...



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