Public Service : Administrators Updated On Organisational Frameworks

A workshop in this light was opened yesterday July 30, 2024 by the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reforms, Joseph LE.

Secretary Generals of all government ministries are currently being updated on tools which will enable them optimise the mastery of the local management, size of the staff and the gross salary of its ministerial department. This is within a workshop to present and update the organisational frameworks of ministries in Cameroon. Discussions were opened yesterday July 30, 2024 by the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reforms, Joseph LE. 
Minister Joseph LE said the workshop is holding under the instructions of the Prime Minister, Head of Government, and there is need to sensitise all the administrations on the updated organisational frameworks of ministries in a bid to effectively implement government financial and managerial policies within the modernisation of the Public Service in the country.
The workshop, Minister Joseph LE said, will enable not only Secretary Generals, but also civil servants, heads of ministerial departments as well as every single actor of the public service to master the vision of the government for the system. Talking to participants, the Minister said it is time for the public service to ensure that each civil servant is present at work and occupies a specific duty post. “We do not just want to recruit personnel into the public service. Each time we need to recruit, we need to know if there is a post for that person and more especially if that person has the qualification to occupy the said post. If not, we will be having people occupying positions without the required qualification”, Minister Joseph LE explained, adding that, this renders work diff...



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