Containing Food Crisis In NW : Vulnerable Farmers Offered 17, 340 Chicks

The gesture by the Livestock Development Fund (CDENO) on August 16, 2024 is fostered by the Emergency Project To Fight Against Food Crisis in Cameroon (PULCCA).

Some 560 Vulnerable Livestock farmers in the North West Region have been empowered with Chicks with the aim of boosting production and improving their livelihood. The ceremony on August 16,2024 in Bamenda, took place under the patronage of the Governor, Adolphe Lele Lafrique, the Representative of the Minister of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries Beatrice Ngum and the ULCCA Representative, Fouda Olivier. 
The event brought together hundreds of vulnerable Livestock farmers across the seven divisions of the North West Region for the first phase of the project . The 560  farmers benefitted 15,000 three weeks broiler chicks,  2, 340 traditional chicks at laying age, 560 bags of complete feed, 1,120 drinkers, 1,120 feeders and 560 complete poultry houses constructed for them at their various homes. 
The Director of CDENO Mbah Shupong Micheal said, “This assistance is in line with the responsibility given to the North West Livestock Development Fund CDENO by MINEPIA to implement the Livestock component of the Emergency Project to combat Food Crisis in Cameroon (PULCCA) in the region".  He said it was just the first phase of assistance that the government of Cameroon through the PULCCA Project has earmarked to assist Livestock farmers. He revealed that through the project, CDENO will be able to assist over 3,000 vulnerable livestock farmers of the North West with production kits and various inputs to start production. He    added that the initiative is geared at increasing food production and stepping up the livelihoods of these farmers.  Other farmers including fish farmers, bee farmers, cattle farmers and those dealing with sma...



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