Baseball and Softball : US Charity Supports Baseball Federation

An NGO, Angel At Bat donated sports equipment to the Cameroon Baseball and Softball Federation on Monday August 26, 2024.

The future of baseball and softball in Cameroon appears to be bright. A Non-Governmental Organisation called Angel At Bat based in the United States of America donated sports equipment to the Cameroon Baseball and Softball Federation on Monday August 26, 2024. The equipment comprised of caps, trousers, uniforms, gloves and balls for baseball among others. 
Speaking at the occasion, the president of the Cameroon Baseball Federation, Yomba Vincent de Paul reminded beneficiaries that the donation of baseball equipment is part of the second axis of the “Programme for the Development of Baseball, Softball and Baseball5 within decentralised local authorities in Cameroon” in its component for the promotion of baseball, whose main target groups are young girls and boys (whether or not they attend school).  He said through this programme, the members of the Cameroon Baseball Federation are committed to building a youthful, responsible citizenry capable of living together harmoniously for the development and international harmonious influence of Cameroon.  
He further said the equipment will contribute to the practice of baseball in schools and decentralised local authorities such as town halls and regional councils. This will include sensitisation campaigns, training of sports leaders through open door days among others. Yomba Vincent de Paul called on the beneficiaries to pay particular attention to the practice of baseball, softball and baseball5 youth not only in their respective clubs but also in schools. &n...



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