“The Community Spearheads The Fight Against Monkey Pox”

Dr Eko Eko Filbert, South West Regional Delegate for Public Health.

How did medical structures in your region handle cases of Monkey Pox?  
Monkey Pox was mainly experienced in Kumba in the Meme Division of the South West Region. This was particularly in the Mbonge and Konye Health Districts. The treatment centre was at the Kumba Regional Hospital Annex. The medical team was trained, sensitised and prepared to handle cases. Medical staff in other health districts were also prepared for any suspected case in their different facilities. Isolation wards were prepared for eventual Monkey Pox cases. Medications were made available depending on the symptoms presented by each patient. 

How did the Ministry manage relatives of those who suffered from Monkey Pox? 
Monkey Pox is a viral zoonotic disease with two special strains affecting Cameroon and the South West Region in particular. Clade 1 and 2. Their degree of mortality and contamination varies such that the management also varies for the infected and the affected. Treatment was free for the infected while the affected were counselled and their living environment disinfected. All of this was done for free. Psychosocial support was vital and given to the affected families especially since the majority still considered Monkey Pox as witchcraft. 

What is being done to prevent the spread of Monkey Pox in already affected health districts in the region? 
Methods of preventing the spread of Monkey Pox in affected districts include awareness creation about the disease through sensitisation campaigns, risk communication and community engagement. Since it is a zoonotic infection, a multi-sectorial intervention is being carried out to fight and to prevent cross contamination. Prompt and adequate case management, early det...



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