Eye Health : Children’s Eyes, Priority To Check

On the occasion of the World Sight Day, campaigns are taking place nationwide aimed at protecting the “eyes” of the future.

Over 20 professionals in eye health gathered at the National Museum in Yaounde yesterday October 10, 2024 on the occasion of the World Sight Day to offer free eye consultation and screening to the population. Prior to the day, the National Programme for Blindness Control organised free eye screening particularly for children at the Government Primary School Central, during which over 200 children were screened of eye-related pathologies. Those with vision related challenges were referred to appropriate health structures. 
At the esplanade of the National Museum, Dr Sone Nfor-Budi, Resident in Ophthalmologist at the Yaounde Central Hospital explained that although not many children could be seen at the current screening site, a lot is being done by the Blindness Control Committee to ensure that parents care about the eyes of their children. He explained that commemorating the World Sight Day with priority to Children’s Eyes Health cannot be overemphasised because preventing blindness in children in the country is a major public health challenge. “There is need to have children who have proper eye sight in a bid to have adults who are functional in the future”, Dr Sone Nfor-Budi underscored. Adding that it is important to handle these challenges earlier in a bid to correct those that can be corrected.
Besides children, the National Programme for Blindness Control continued with free eye screening to all age groups in the society. By 8:00 a.m. yesterday, the medical team had already set up the ground for free eye consultation. The head of the medical team, Professor Yannick Bilong, who is also Chief of Service at the Ophthalmic Unit in Mbalmayo Hospital said they were also carrying out consultation and screening for various eye pathologies as well as sensitising and...



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