Presbyterian Church in Cameroon : New Moderator Elected Today
- 18 nov. 2024 10:20
It will be decided at the Elective Synod this Monday which opened yesterday in Buea.
The seventh Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC) will be elected today Monday, November 18, 2024, in Buea. This will be accompanied by the election of Synod Clerk as well. The new moderator will take over from Right Rev Fonki Samuel Forba who has duly served the institution for 10 years as stipulated by the text. Right Fonki Samuel still has about seven years to serve as a pastor before going on retirement.
Following nominations to the post of moderator, three candidates emerged. They are Rev Miki Hans Abia, Rev Njongai Polycarp and Rev Numfor Godwin. For the post of Synod Clerk there are also three nominees: Rev Ayuk Solomon, Rev Mokoko Simon Elive and Rev Mokoko Thomas Mbue. At the opening of the Synod yesterday Sunday, two candidates per post were selected and presented for elections today.
On board to vote the two officials are the 31 Presbytery Secretaries of the PCC who are pastors. Other voters are heads of departments, heads of institutions, and heads of movements at national levels. Approximately, there shall be 150 secret votes to determine the new Moderator and Synod Clerk. The PCC gained independence from Basel Miss...
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