Telecommunications:Eutelsat Announces Operation In Cameroon

The French satellite company through its initiative – Konnect Africa – intends to partner with local operators to provide broadband internet connection

French-based satellite provider, Eutelsat Communications, has through its programme Konnect Africa announced that it will be extending its operations to Cameroon. The development was made public last week through a press release issued by the communications unit of the outfit. Besides Cameroon, Konnect Africa will also be starting its new-generation services in Nigeria, Benin, Kenya, Lesotho, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania and Uganda. In Cameroon, we learned Konnect Africa will be partnering with some local operators, telecom companies and resellers, amongst them AfrikaNet GoSat; already active in the broadband-based internet telephone and VOIP options, as well as Bloosat; one of the leading satellite services in the country.
Officials of Konnect Africa say their technology won’t be based on mobile wireless or optic fibre technologies which depend on terrestrial infrastructure, but their connection will come space. They hold it will be the best option to provide populations in remote locations with access to efficient, cost-effective and easy-to-install internet solutions. The company intends to sell data offers on ‘pa...



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