Network Disruptions: Orange Settles Camtel’s Debt

Subscribers can now turn a new page from the hitherto interruptions that characterized the last three days.

Orange Cameroun has settled what they called a questionable debt she owed her technical partner Camtel, the network service provider’s General Manager, Elisabeth Medou Badang said. In a communique issued yesterday, a copy of which Cameroon Tribune procured, the General Manager said they decided to reestablish connection by settling the FCFA 1.6 billion debt in the interest of their subscribers. Going by the mmunique, Orange claims all bills relating to commercial accords with their partner Camtel had been settled right up to December 2017. On October 6, 2017, intermittent communication problems, limitations and anomalies were first recorded on the Orange Cameroun network. The operator blamed the breakdown on disruptions on optic fibre services which affected their communications, a claim Camtel officials debunked. A second disruption started on October 16, 2017.

The second disrup...



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